Funeral Costs
A Personal Loan To Cover Funeral Expenses
There are times you simply cannot prepare for. The weight of picking up the pieces during a loss can seem very heavy. Knowing there is somewhere to turn for help to cover costs means one less burden to carry.

A First Source Family Support Loan comes with lower interest rates than most credit cards. Having the funding you need to cover expenses, with easy-to-manage monthly payments, means one less thing to think about in an already unsettling time.
A Family Support Loan Covers Needs Like:
Bereavement event costs
And other funeral needs
Funeral service costs can vary widely. Generally speaking, a typical, traditional adult funeral and burial can cost between $7,000 and $10,000, though can often be much more.
Here To Help In Your Time Of Need
In many cases these costs are not planned for ahead of time and families are left to figure it out on their own. If you find that bereavement expenses have not been accounted for, our Family Support Loan could be a good option for you.
If you’re not ready to apply for a Family Support Loan, and have questions, call 315-735-8571 to talk about your options or make an appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives today.
Interested In Learning More?
To see the most common uses for a personal loan, visit our Personal Use Loan Options overview page.