Vacation Loan
How To Afford A Needed Getaway
You’re ready to take that big trip, but what you’ve saved for vacation may not cover all the costs. A Travel/Vacation Loan might be a good choice. If you’ve done the research, you know that vacations often cost more than expected. From lodging to flights, food and entertainment, you’ll want a to plan for covering these expenses.

Life is short. We want to be able to live in the moment and have experiences while we’re able. But is it okay to have to take out a loan to do that?
The short answer is, yes! If your debt to income ratio is in good balance and you don’t already owe too much for other expenses, taking out a loan to cover traveling or a vacation expenses can be a great option. You’ll have the cash in hand needed to cover the costs, a planned budget to stick to, and easy monthly payments for the loan.
Common Vacation Expenses To Account For
Vacation spending is usually accompanied by expenses that are both planned for and spontaneous. You want to make sure you have enough money to cover your costs safely and reliably. Some common vacation expenses include:
Planning Vacation Financing
For current loan rates and what your payments might be, see our rates and loan calculator below. Life is short—it’s time to plan that vacation. Start the application process below.
If you’re not ready to apply for a Travel/Vacation Loan, and have questions, we are here to help. Call 315-735-8571 to talk about your options or make an appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives today.
Interested In Learning More?
To see the most common uses for a personal loan, visit our Personal Use Loan Options overview page.